About Us

Our Mission

Our Mission is to increasingly know and love Jesus Christ and to continually make Him known to all people.

Meet Our Pastor
Meet Our Pastor

Pastor Colt Allen

Colt was born and raised in Jacksonville, NC. Growing up he spent his time playing sports and hanging out with his family and friends. Colt began his relationship with God in middle school but it wasn’t until high school that he truly began to walk out his faith daily and pursue an intimate relationship with the Lord. Through different opportunities to serve and preach in his later years of high school, he gained clarity on the calling that God had placed on his life! It was solidified in Colt from then on that He wanted to preach the Gospel for the rest of his life!

While he attended college at NC State University, he continued to preach with every opportunity that God opened up for him! He served regularly with the student ministry that he grew in throughout his high school years. Upon completing college, Colt began full-time ministry in this same ministry as the Student Minister at Catalyst Church. After preaching at FBC Maysville for a few months, Colt was called to be the Senior Pastor in May 2022.

Colt is “FIRED UP” about all that God is doing at FBC Maysville! He counts it a gift and an honor to get to grow alongside of the incredible people of Maysville and pursue all that the Lord has for these days!

Our Staff

Andrea Horne

Ministry Coordinator

Jean Jolly


Gracie White

Family Discipleship Director

Our Deacons

Brandon Horne

Chairman of Deacons / Discipleship Director

Andrew Padgett

Deacon / Brotherhood Director

Tim Price

Deacon / Music Director

John Warren


Jason Davis

Deacon / Sunday School Director

Cannon Cargile


Donald Meadows


Jonathan Morton


Joshua Jones


The Bible

The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, and only infallible Word of God, which continues God’s revelation to us today.


There is only one God, who exists eternally in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is God incarnate. He is the eternal Son of God. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.


God created everything in the universe, with a special creation of man in His own image.

Second Coming

Jesus Christ will have a personal return in power and glory, called the Second Coming.


There is no salvation apart from a personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, accompanied by repentance.

Come and See

Interested in visiting our church? Click here to learn more about what to expect and let us know you are coming!