Adult Ministry

Sunday School

Adults of all ages are encouraged to attend our small group Bible studies each Sunday morning at 10:00. No matter if you're married or single, male or female, 18 or 80, we have a class just for you! Come join us for Sunday School! See Jason Davis for more information:

Women's Ministry

Our Women's Ministry is made up of ladies of all ages who are excited about growing together in Jesus. They are involved in mission projects throughout the year, as well as retreats and monthly Bible Studies. And they know how to have a good time! See Amanda Stanley for more information:

Men's Ministry

Our Men's Ministry meets the second Tuesday of every month for a meal, fellowship, and the study of God's Word. The men also play an active role in ministry and missions in the local community and abroad. Come and be encouraged! See Andrew Padgett for more information:

Senior Adults

Senior Saints is the name of our ministry to senior adults, and they are always enjoying sweet fellowship with one another! The Saints also meet monthly and enjoy many outings together! See Edie Barbour for more information:

Ministry Team Leaders

Jason Davis

Deacon / Sunday School Director

Amanda Stanley

Women's Ministry Leader

Andrew Padgett

Deacon / Brotherhood Director

Edie Barbour

Senior Saints Director