The Season of Advent is a time of celebration and anticipation... celebrating the birth of our Savior and His first coming, and waiting expectantly for His triumphant return! As we walk through the Christmas season together, please use these video devotions and prayers to encourage one another in the faith. Take heart... Hope is on the way!

Monday, December 2nd

Isaiah 40:28-31

Reflection Question:
Are you putting your trust in Christ or are you doing things in your own will?

“Father, please help us to see your will in our lives. Father, help us lean on you for everything we do and not ourselves. In Jesus name, amen.”

Tuesday, December 3rd

Matthew 24:36-44

Reflection Question:
How do we stay awake as we wait on Jesus?

“Father, give us faith like Noah. He knew that what you said was true and he trusted in your word. Because of that he was rescued from the flood. Help us to trust in your word too, so that we may be saved when you return. Search us, and help us to be aware of ways that we may have fallen asleep, and by your Spirit wake us up as we hopefully anticipate your return. We pray this in Jesus’ Name, Amen!”

Wednesday, December 4th

2 Peter 3:8-10

Reflection Questions:
What does it mean that God does not wish any to perish but that all should reach repentance? If Gods purpose in His delay is to allow more people to repent, what can you and your family actively be doing to lead others to Christ?

“God, may we have confidence that we can trust You because You’ve kept Your promises and You always will. Just like You are perfect Jesus, Your second coming will be in perfect timing. May we continue to live godly lives not just in light of our own salvation, but to point others to repentance as we anticipate Your return. In Your name Jesus, amen.”

Thursday, December 5th

Acts 1:10-11

Reflection Question:
How can we partner with God each day in the work that He has called us to do?

“Father, we thank you for the confidence that we can have that Jesus will return! As we wait for that day, help us to remember that you have work for us to do now. Show us the areas of our lives where we are just standing and staring at the clouds and wake us up to the need of sharing the good news with those we encounter! Thank you that you have not left us to do this in our own power, but you have given us your power and commanded us to be your witnesses! May we walk boldly in that truth and watch you do more than we could ever imagine! In Jesus Name, amen!”

Friday, December 6th

John 14:1-3

Reflection Question:
How does it encourage you to know that Jesus is preparing a place for you?

“Heavenly Father, we thank you so much for the gift of Your Son Jesus. Thank you for Your faithful love that never ends. And when we feel discouraged and burdened by so many things, please remind us of these words from Jesus: to not let our hearts be troubled, but to simply believe. To believe that You came in love to save us, and that you will return in power to take us home to be with You for all eternity. Amen.”

Saturday, December 7th

1 Thessalonians 5:1-6

Reflection Questions:
How do we encourage others to stay spiritually vigilant? How do we prepare ourselves for the Lord’s return?

“Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for Your Word. It encourages, uplifts, and instructs us. We anticipate your earthly return. We know this world is not our forever home, but praise God our eternal home is with you! Help us to encourage others and share your love. Give us opportunities to tell others the good news of the Gospel and help us to encourage other believers to stay vigilant and alert. Reading Your Word, praying, and having a relationship with You is vital. Help us and our brothers and sister to remember to do these things daily! In Jesus Name, Amen!”

Monday, December 9th

Hebrews 9:27-28

Reflection Question:
Are you truly waiting for Jesus’ return?

“Father, thank you for the promise that Jesus is coming again! Help us keep an eternal perspective as we wait eagerly. Convict our hearts of areas where we are getting stuck focusing on the situations and circumstances around us. Strengthen us to wait with hope and to be busy doing your work! In Jesus Name, Amen!”

Tuesday, December 10th

1 Peter 1:13-16

Reflection Questions:
What does it look like for our family to ‘set our hope on Jesus’ during this Advent season? How can we remind each other to stay focused on Him even when life gets busy or difficult?

“Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for the hope we have in Jesus. Help us prepare our hearts and minds as you call us to be holy. Also, help us to wait patiently always trusting in your promises. Amen”

Wednesday, December 11th

Revelation 22:12-13

Reflection Question:
As we celebrate Jesus coming as a baby, how can we remember that He also came as a warrior to save us from our sins?

“Father, we thank you that you are the Alpha and Omega! That not only did you come as a baby wrapped in human flesh but you will come again riding on the clouds to save your people. We ask Lord that you would grow us in confidence and increase our expectation. Fill us with joy as we await your return, in Jesus Name, Amen.”

Thursday, December 12th

Revelation 21:3-5

Reflection Question:
In the midst of our worldly lives how can we fix our eyes on the heavenly promise of a new hope and a new world where there is no more pain or sorrows?

“Dear Lord, thank you so so much for entering into this world to give us the chance to live in a new hope and new world with you someday! God, we look forward to the day where we can finally dwell in your presence forever and there will no longer be any pain, any tears or any sorrows. That you would come to this dark and sinful world wholly God and man because you loved us so much, we just give all of our thanks to you! In this season of hope and celebration, help us fix our eyes to you and the greatest gift that we could ever receive which is a life with you and your abounding love. In Jesus’ precious and holy name we pray, AMEN!”

Friday, December 13th

Isaiah 40:1-5

Reflection Question:
How do these verses breed hope in our lives?

“Heavenly Father, we look forward with great anticipation to your second coming. During this time, days are sometimes very difficult, but we have this hope and the comfort that you have sent to us! We praise your Holy name! We thank you for your love! Amen”

Saturday, December 14th

Isaiah 40:9-11

Reflection Question:
How does it bring your comfort to know that God tends to His people like a shepherd?

“Father, we thank you that you are the Good Shepherd! Even in hard times we can take great comfort knowing that you are protecting and providing for us! Thank you for these truths that we can rest in! We love you! In Jesus Name, Amen!”

Monday, December 16th

Isaiah 52:7-9

Reflection Question:
As we celebrate and anticipate the second coming of our Lord Jesus, will He find us faithful and watchful for His return? In verse 9 we read that the Lord comforted His people. His peace, love, joy, and hope are available to us today. How will you and your family welcome Jesus into your hearts and lives with renewed anticipation?

“Precious Lord, we come to You today in great anticipation of your return to call us home to be with You for eternity. During this time of watching and waiting, help us to remember that ‘Our God Reigns’. Help us to lift our voices and sing for joy. We give thanks for the Comforter who sustains and strengthens us through each new day. May Your peace, love, joy, and hope reign in our hearts. Help us to share Your truth and hope with those who walk in darkness, but yearn to be in the Light of Your glory. In Jesus name, Amen!”

Tuesday, December 17th

Deuteronomy 18:15-19

Reflection Question:
When Moses delivered this message to the Israelites I have to think that they were probably pondering “when will this prophet arrive” “what will he look like” “how will we know it’s him.” And thousands of years later, we know the answer. How can we remain faithful now while waiting for our Savior to return, even when we don’t have all the answers?

“Thank you God for your many blessings on us. Thank you for your free gift of salvation through your son Jesus Christ. Thank you for the fulfillment of your prophecy and our ability to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In Jesus name, Amen!”

Wednesday, December 18th

Isaiah 7:14

Reflection Question:
How does it impact your life knowing that our perfect, holy Heavenly Father would leave heaven for you? Just to be able to dwell with His people again?

Prayer: “Father, we thank you for the miracle that is sending your only son, so you could be close with us again. I thank you that you are merciful, kind, compassionate, and abounding in steadfast love. May we never forget or grow numb to your abounding love for us. May we refocus our gaze on You and You alone this Christmas season. Let our eyes look for You in every special moment we experience knowing that if it’s good, it’s a gift from You. In Jesus name, amen.”

Thursday, December 19th

Isaiah 9:6-7

Reflection Question:
How can we be more appreciative of Jesus’ arrival and reign today?

“Father, thank you for giving us your Son to save us. We thank you that He is Lord of all. Prince of peace, mighty God, wonderful counselor, and everlasting Father. Help us to live in gratitude of both his humble arrival, and glorious reign, in Jesus Name, Amen.”

Friday, December 20th

Matthew 1:21-23

Reflection Question:
Do you believe?

“Thank you Lord for this day and opportunity to focus on You. We pray that if there is anyone who hears this that is struggling with doubt in this season, that they will again place their faith in Christ and know that He will fulfill everything that has been promised in His word, which includes new life for the believer. Let us all accept that new life in Him today in Jesus name. Amen.”